Research Article Open Access

Current Status and Policy Implications for Fostering Social Entrepreneur

Yoon-Doo Kim1 and Seok Yoon2
  • 1 Konkuk University, Korea
  • 2 Gachon University, Korea


In this study, problems in current status of social entrepreneurs in Korea were examined and further policy issues for them were suggested as well. For the methodology, the study analyzed the drawbacks and policy implication of fostering social entrepreneurs through Focus Group Interview (FGI) on analysis of present condition of incubating social entrepreneur and programs for it. First, it should escape from personnel expense-centered one and convert to ecosystem-centered or division-centered project in the direction of the government for fostering social entrepreneurs, putting emphasis on follow-up management and evaluation. Second, it must suggest a standard model for social entrepreneur promotion project. In other words, the projects with low performance should be reduced and education models appropriate for new circumstances and changes must be adopted through not only programs standardized in divisions, categories and local provinces, but also appointing expert instructors and project evaluation. Third, it’s necessary to propose specific guideline for detailed education operation according to education trainee and objectives of social entrepreneur. Fourth, it is needed to have more various contents development and distribution by strengthening support for specialized foundation, management and case studies related to fostering social entrepreneurs. Finally, it is even more required to spread awareness on social economics relating to programs for fostering social entrepreneur. With the long-term perspective, it is needed to render policy and specialization for fostering Korean-model social entrepreneurs, which is able to raise competent social entrepreneurs suitable for each stage of growth such as sourcing, incubation and launching social entrepreneurs.

American Journal of Economics and Business Administration
Volume 4 No. 3, 2012, 155-165


Submitted On: 29 May 2012 Published On: 9 July 2012

How to Cite: Kim, Y. & Yoon, S. (2012). Current Status and Policy Implications for Fostering Social Entrepreneur. American Journal of Economics and Business Administration, 4(3), 155-165.

  • 7 Citations



  • Social Enterprise
  • Social Entrepreneurs
  • Social Entrepreneurship
  • South Korea