Research Article Open Access

Office Supplies Requisition-Disbursement System Processing on Cloud: Algorithms and Database Design Techniques

Kriangsak Chanthinok1 and Ekkachai Naenudorn1
  • 1 Mahasarakham Business School, Mahasarakham University, Thailand


Digitalbusiness organization is an organization that has applied informationtechnology to its operations and benefits from saving costs, saving resources,and making it quick to act and operate the business. However, manyorganizations lack systems to complement effectively internal management suchas in-house office supplies requisition-disbursement system.  Past research papers have shown that a widerange of office supplies requisition-disbursement systems have been developed,but almost all of them are developed for one specific agency. Therefore, itbrings to the development of this research, which aims 1. To develop acloud-processed office supplies requisition-disbursement system, 2. To designalgorithmic systems and office supplies requisition-disbursement systemdatabases that comply with cloud computing and 3. To evaluate the efficiency ofcloud-processed office supplies requisition-disbursement system. As amethodology framework, the authors adopted the System Development Life Cycle(SDLC) development model, which involves problem identification, feasibilityresearch, analysis, design, implementation, and maintenance. As a focus groupfor this study, the financial and managerial staff provided the requiredinformationtothe author. The system was created using the PHP programming language and MySQLwas utilized to store the database. The results of this research have led to anOffice Supplies Requisition-Disbursement processing system on cloud (OSRD) whichprovide free services for organizations who want to use the online officesupplies requisition-disbursement system through cloud computing system andregistration via Gmail account with Google API service. Moreover, theresearchers have designed algorithmic systems and databases to store data forfuture applications. In addition, it has tested the performance of the systemon real users. Overall, the average of the evaluations was at its highest levelin the operation accuracy test with an average of 5.000 and the lowest averagewas the functional requirement test and usability test with an average of4.833. However, the OSRD is very beneficial and helps an organization thatlacks IT staff to develop its system. This is to increase the potential of the organizationsustainably.

Journal of Computer Science
Volume 18 No. 10, 2022, 979-992


Submitted On: 7 July 2022 Published On: 13 October 2022

How to Cite: Chanthinok, K. & Naenudorn, E. (2022). Office Supplies Requisition-Disbursement System Processing on Cloud: Algorithms and Database Design Techniques. Journal of Computer Science, 18(10), 979-992.

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  • Office Supplies Requisition-Disbursement System
  • Stock Management
  • Database Design Techniques
  • Cloud Computing