Research Article Open Access

Authentication Model Based Bluetooth-enabled Mobile Phone

Rania Abdelhameed, Sabira Khatun, Borhanuddin Mohd Ali and Abdul Rahman Ramli


Authentication is a mechanism to establish proof of identities, the authentication process ensure that who a particular user is. Current PC, laptop user authentication systems are always done once and hold until it explicitly revoked by the user, or asking the user to frequently reestablish his identity which encouraging him to disable authentication. Zero-Interaction Authentication (ZIA) provides solution to this problem. In ZIA, a user wears a small authentication token that communicates with a laptop over a short-range, wireless link. ZIA combine authentication with a file encryption. Here we proposed a Laptop-user Authentication Based Mobile phone (LABM), in our model of authentication, a user uses his Bluetooth-enabled mobile phone, which work as an authentication token that provides the authentication for laptop over a Bluetooth wireless link, in the concept of transient authentication with out combining it with encryption file system. The user authenticate to the mobile phone infrequently. In turn, the mobile phone continuously authenticates to the laptop by means of the short-range, wireless link.

Journal of Computer Science
Volume 1 No. 2, 2005, 200-203


Submitted On: 9 January 2006 Published On: 30 June 2005

How to Cite: Abdelhameed, R., Khatun, S., Ali, B. M. & Ramli, A. R. (2005). Authentication Model Based Bluetooth-enabled Mobile Phone. Journal of Computer Science, 1(2), 200-203.

  • 1 Citations



  • Authentication
  • Mobile Computing
  • Bluetooth