Research Article Open Access

The Effect of the Bone-Plate Whole Spacing on the Interfragmentary Strain

Boonthum Wongchai


Problem statement: The bone plate is commonly used when human bone fracture occurs. The Inter Fragmentary (IFS) is an important factor for curing human bone fracture and designing the bone plate. The best IFS range from 2-10%.The whole spacing is a factor affecting the IFS that should be taken into account. Approach: This research propose a study on the effect of the whole spacing on the IFS. Two directions of the whole spacing are defined in the axial direction of the bone plate and the transverse direction of the bone plate. The Finite Element Method is used to investigate the IFS. Results: The experimental results show that the value of the IFS is between 2 and 10%. The IFS increases when the whole spacing in the axial direction and the transverse direction are increased. In other words, decreasing of the number of holes has the same results as increasing the whole spacing in the axial direction. Conclusion: The varying holes spacing and the different numbers of holes cause the distinguished IFS.

Journal of Computer Science
Volume 8 No. 1, 2012, 159-162


Submitted On: 16 June 2011 Published On: 3 November 2011

How to Cite: Wongchai, B. (2012). The Effect of the Bone-Plate Whole Spacing on the Interfragmentary Strain. Journal of Computer Science, 8(1), 159-162.

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  • Inter fragmentary strain
  • whole spacing
  • bone plate
  • finite element
  • human bone
  • fracture occurs
  • IFS range
  • Inter Fragmentary (IFS)
  • Locking Compression Plate (LCP)